Thursday, August 10, 2017

That Big ole wall!

After changing my mind about a hundred times- pretty normal, just ask Jared- I finally decided on a color scheme for the living room. First up - paint the walls. Well one of the walls in the living room is 20feet tall!! So we decided to see how much it would cost to have someone else paint the living room. Well that was a bust! Hiring painters is SO expensive. At least for our living room is was! 
Plan B- I paint the living room. We asked my dad if we could borrow his extension ladder. Of course he asked why and said he wasn't comfortable with me on the ladder for so long and having to reaching up that high. He had a friend who owns some scaffolding so he lined it up and brought it over! Gees that stuff is big!
Before the scaffolding came I painted as much as I could all around the room. It looked pretty crazy in there. 

Notice the color is super similar to the basement bedroom. This color - Wrought Iron BM- though has more gray in it whereas the basement color has more blue

Scaffolding Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:

Then I used the extension ladder for these areas

YAY! Finally done... well for the most part ;)

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